Post by Mike/SpeeedThe "welfare state" has become a way of life for a growing segment of our
society. These people are poorly educated, easily influenced, and are
willing to live with the little the government gives them to be
unproductive. Most supplement their incomes with revenue acquired from
illegal activity (drugs, theft, prostitution, etc.).
No, that is simply wrong. The majority of people who use social
programs are law abiding Americans. To say that most supplement their
incomes with revenue acquired from illegal activity is perpetuating a
vile and false stereotype.
Baloney. If you required drug tests, contraception, & work for welfare
benefits, the welfare system would cease to exist as we know it.
Having said that, I will reiterate that I'm aware of the abuses that
exist in this system.
There is little more than abuse in that system.
Post by Mike/SpeeedWelfare for the most part isn't a tool used to get folks "back on their
feet", it is a partial revenue source for generations upon generations of
these people.
Sure it is... I've seen it happen. I know someone personally who was
on welfare for six months. Food stamps and cash assistance. She was
just out of college, and still working a job in the service industry,
when she broke her ankle. Ankle healed later, and she went to work.
That's how it is supposed to work, and I am personally not in favor of
removing the safety net because some people have managed to abuse the
I have no problem with your so called "safety net " either, but with a few
1) Mandatory drug testing
2) Mandatory contraception
3) Six months of "work-free" compensation, then after that, you are working
for that money.
Also, you are aware that most welfare recipients are on welfare less
than two years at a time, right? The reason it's called the welfare
queen myth is because it's not true...
Drive into East Liberty. Spend a week on the streets & tell me if you are
still holding onto that opinion.
Post by Mike/SpeeedPost by Jon MillirenOr are you really only advocating cutting social services and using
the welfare queen myth to defend the indefensible?
Are you seriously going to defend welfare recipients?
You're ducking the question. Are you really only advocating cutting
social services?
To a larger extent, yes. If you are physically and/or mentally capable of
doing work, you should do so. Just watch what would happen if welfare
recipients were required to work for their government checks...
I agree with that actually.
Post by Mike/SpeeedDo you favor keeping corporate welfare, defense
spending, and farm subsidies at their current levels?.
ABSOLUTELY NOT. If a business cannot make it based upon on their own
efforts, that business shouldn't be in business.
I agree with that, absolutely. I wonder why most on the right are
unwilling to discuss cutting the defense budget? We could cut it in
half and still lay out more than the next 8 largest spenders combined.
Half a billion dollars a year would be very helpful in cutting the
national debt.
So would putting welfare recipients back to work & illegal aliens on the tax
There is certainly no need to pay CAT manufacturing $150 million for
doing nothing. Ditto with all the other manufacturing and farm
subsidies... If there are to be savings, that stuff needs to get cut.
Pork is pork. I don't pick & choose which pork is palatable to me. The
federal, local, & state governments can work on half of what they collect if
they ran those governments efficiently like a private business.
CUT ALL SPENDING - not just the spending that doesn't make you feel all warm
& fuzzy inside...
Post by Mike/SpeeedYou're ad hominem aside, its fact. No death panels. Never were. End of
life counseling is what it is called, and it was fine with many
members of the right, including the author of the provision. Of
course, the right seems eager to indulge in hypocrisy if it means they
can bash a democrat.
"Life counseling"...that sounds nice. It's just like calling abortions
planning". The bastardization of the English language does not bolster nor
does it
justify one's political policies. That my friend is hypocrisy at it's
What can I say to that? End of life counseling was introduced to the
health care bill in order to have medicare reimburse a doctor for
talking with a patient once every five years about what kind of care
they want near the end of life. There is no panel or committee.
Why would a doctor need additional money to give his/her patient advice?
That alone makes it sound like there's a hidden agenda lying dormant in
People DO consult their doctors about problems and issues that come
about toward the end of life.
So why pay a doctor additional money for it? For a specific type of
consultation, perhaps?
Palin's "death panel" comment is a
classic Republican fear-mongering tactic designed to keep the base
frightened and compliant.
What a condescending bunch of crap. If you want to ignore what is going to
happen like you have with the "chosen one" administration's growing list of
broken promises, have at it, friend.
Post by Mike/SpeeedPost by Jon MillirenPost by Mike/Speeedyou have lived a full & productive life. In regards to that pain you have -
here's a pill for it & good luck. Our committee has determined that
considering you no longer contribute anything (err, taxes) to society, you
have outlived your usefulness...
Umm.. yeah, see above.
Yeah, but you were wrong the first time...
Nope, was not. Neener neener neener :P
Post by Jon MillirenPost by Mike/SpeeedMay allah have mercy on you...
Still sticking with that sekret muslim story too, huh?
Barack *Hussein* Obama.
So? He's a Christian. You have no proof otherwise.
He can't even prove he's a natural born American citizen. I heard many
ambiguous past & are evasive about that past, why are his minions so
surprised with the scrutiny?
Birther nonsense.
Debate by cliché. How ineffective...
0-67 my friend.
Not a math major, eh?
Post by Mike/SpeeedPost by Jon MillirenPost by Mike/SpeeedJust another reason to buy a large plot of land, arm myself to the hilt,
yank my kid out of school, & move to fucking Montana. There are far more
mice in this country than there are men.
Yeah yeah yeah... I'm thinking of buying a firearm though. Mostly
because teabaggers have threatened my family because they didn't like
what I had to say.
Tea party participants have threatened your family?
L O L !
Provide proof of that statement.
Why should I prove anything to you? I stand by what I say, you're free
not to believe it.
The tea partiers are out to get you, huh Jon?
L O L.
See how much you laugh when pictures of the children in your family
are posted on the internet with contact information. See how much you
laugh when your parents, friends, and family members are harassed by
phone and email. Would you laugh, or would you go against all your
beliefs and keep loaded weapons in your house because of the danger
posed by a person that is pissed at you for daring to disagree with
him online. A discussion very similar to the one we're having now.
Only difference is that when I disagree with you, you fight back with
your words. You didn't accuse me of working for Obama, or being on the
payroll of Soros. You didn't threaten to "investigate" me.
L O L So, this is the first time you've run across an internet nutbag?
Grow a thicker skin, or cast a less revealing shadow.
I haven't used my real name on the internet for over a decade & a half.
And seriously, you are going to lump the actions of one nutjob onto a whole
group of people? That sounds spectacularly obtuse to me..
Listen dude, I don't care if you laugh at me. I don't care if you
believe me. I don't know you well enough to provide the various police
reports I've had to file, or the canceled check for a restraining
order. You believe what you want, but don't imply I'm a liar because
you happen to disagree with my politics. That's bullshit.
Never said you was a liar, but you do appear to be somewhat of a drama
queen, however. I've been trolled, stalked, & threatened by some of the
biggest nuts the internet has to offer - but if they ever come down my
street.....Remember the talk we had about firearms?
Post by Mike/SpeeedPost by Jon MillirenOh, & the "tea-bagger" slur...aren't you above that kind of crap? They have
differing opinions to yours - they have no right to state their opinions?
Name calling got old after about sixth grade.
Don't whine about name calling. I haven't called you a single thing.
Tough beans if you're offended by the teabagger label. That's what
they are. If you wear a hat with tea bags dangling from the rim, well,
you're probably going to be called lots of things, and teabagger is
among the most family friendly of all of them.
It's a veiled reference to placing one's scrotum on the face of sexual
partner. (*most times being a member of the same sex), and you know that.
Most liberals are very knowledgeable of the act as they do it on a regular
basis...cough! Barney Frank, cough!
Ummm, yeah. Doesn't "teabag obama" sound familiar? I guess you only
like it when it's phrased to insult obama.
I've never used that slur in reference to "the chosen one". I really cannot
comment on an intellectual level about it... Sorry.
Also, most liberals are straight. Just like most republicans. If you
really want to get down to issues of sexual orientation, I submit that
it is the politicians on the right who are cowards. At least Barney
Frank is out in the open, and his sexuality is only an issue for
people on the right who want to attack him and have no ammo. Not the
gay republicans... Foley, Haggard, Craig, Allen, Glenn Murphy, Jr. and
I can throw so many more out there.
And I wouldn't care as I care little about what is going on in one's
bedroom. As long as what you are doing doesn't involve an underage or
unwilling participant, I frankly could care less.
As an aside......Nice job Barney did with that whole Fannie Mae/ Freddie Mac
debacle, eh?
On the face of it, it would seem like Republican leaders are far more
likely to enjoy a little scrotal contact, wouldn't you agree?
I don't keep tabs on or the count of the fudge-packers in government as I
feel they fuck the taxpayers in the ass every chance they get.
I will leave that to you if it's that important to you though, thank you
very much...
Post by Mike/SpeeedPost by Jon MillirenYou're not going to shoot me, are you Mike?
Not unless you fuck with my family, come into my home uninvited, steal my
property, or threaten my well being.
Well, there is one thing I can agree with you on. I guess liberalism
and gun ownership aren't exclusive...
Although most liberals would like it to be that way...
You like that word "most" don't you? Maybe that would be true if
you're a DC, New York, or San Fransisco liberal. I live in Western PA.
Liberals here like to hunt as much as anyone else.
There are not many liberals in my gun club or my motorcycle club, Jon.
And I use the word "most" because it fits best in my statements. I never say
"all" when making broad-based references about a group of people. That would
be unfair & intellectually vacant.
Post by Mike/SpeeedPost by Jon MillirenPost by Mike/SpeeedIt's time to take this damn country back from the politicians, media, &
Ummm... yeah. You'll just give the country back to different
politicians, media, and lawyers. Useless action...
Not the way I want to take it back. I will give my country & my rights to
no one but myself. I don't want the government's opinion / authority over
what I do, think, or say, & I certainly don't want their idea of what
healthcare should be.
You should just leave the country then. You're always going to be
regulated and taxed by the government, no matter what side is in
charge. And you call me naive....
I'm in a no-win situation as I don't like or trust either of the two ruling
political parties. I'm a conservative libertarian. The Democrats to me want
nothing more than to have a say in every aspect of your life & basically
want everybody to work for the government, while Republicans want to build
the Military complex & bolster selective industries. If I have to choose
between the two, I'm going to reluctantly side with the Republicans as they
at least on the surface adhere to more of my values.
Until this country gets away from the two party system, we are all stuck
with choosing the lesser of two evils.
"Naive"? No, I'd consider myself more jaded than permissive.
I have to agree with you, and in fact I have the same feelings about
the democrats... more closely aligned to what I believe than
My gripe with the Republicans is mainly about the military industrial
complex and the attempted implementation of the PNAC regime. I have a
deep and fundamental disagreement with war for the sake of the
economy. Purposefully committing a massive geopolitical blunder (the
invasion of Iraq) to guarantee conditions beneficial to the military
industrial complex is unconscionable . This is not 1978. This is not
colonial Britain. We do not need to spend money on a fighter jets
we'll never use. We don't need to secure borders in other countries
while ignoring borders here at home.
I personally think that the US should get out of Iraq & Afghanistan
immediately - then nuke them.