Derry High planning 'Jesus Week' events?
(too old to reply)
2006-04-07 20:39:45 UTC
According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Holy Week isn't just for church any
more: at Derry Area High School in Westmoreland County, students in an
after-school Bible club are marking 'Jesus Week' starting Monday with schoolwide
activities and giveaways.

"Club members hand out bookmarks, T-shirts, and 'what would Jesus do' bracelets,
and raffle off Bibles and other Christian-themed gifts by drawing locker numbers
and announcing the winners over the school intercom during morning
announcements. Club members mark each day with a different Bible-based fashion
statement, such as robes on Tuesdays or red outfits to memorialize the blood of
Christ. Administrators say it's a voluntary club, and students can participate
or not, according to their preference."

Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes and get
their 15 minutes on FOX News?
Sugapablo: http://www.sugapablo.net
Permalink: http://www.sugapablo.net/story.php?id=364
RSS Feed: http://www.sugapablo.net/rss.php
2006-04-07 19:47:42 UTC
Post by Sugapablo
According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Holy Week isn't just for church any
more: at Derry Area High School in Westmoreland County, students in an
after-school Bible club are marking 'Jesus Week' starting Monday with schoolwide
activities and giveaways.
"Club members hand out bookmarks, T-shirts, and 'what would Jesus do' bracelets,
and raffle off Bibles and other Christian-themed gifts by drawing locker numbers
and announcing the winners over the school intercom during morning
announcements. Club members mark each day with a different Bible-based fashion
statement, such as robes on Tuesdays or red outfits to memorialize the blood of
Christ. Administrators say it's a voluntary club, and students can participate
or not, according to their preference."
Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes and get
their 15 minutes on FOX News?
Both, I'd say :P
Resident Witchypoo
Atheist Bastard Extraordinaire
2006-04-07 20:59:10 UTC
Post by Sugapablo
"Club members hand out bookmarks, T-shirts, and 'what would Jesus do'
You mean other than die like a fucking pussy and not come back after 2000
years of waiting?

Post by Sugapablo
and raffle off Bibles and other Christian-themed gifts by drawing locker numbers
and announcing the winners over the school intercom during morning
Oh yeah, I bet kids are gonna be lined up around the block to buy raffle
tickets for bibles. I mean it's not like they already have a copy of the
bible, or could find websites and downloads of complete bibles on the
internet for free.
Post by Sugapablo
Club members mark each day with a different Bible-based fashion
statement, such as robes on Tuesdays
I bet that's gonna be hilarious, seeing a few clueless jerks who decided
to dress that way going around wearing a bed sheet.
Post by Sugapablo
or red outfits to memorialize the blood of
It's too bad that they don't slit their wrists and throats to commemorate
the blood of jebus.
Post by Sugapablo
Administrators say it's a voluntary club, and students can participate
or not, according to their preference."
Yes, that would seem to reiterate what the word "voluntary" means. They
are still giving the use of government resources for the purpose of
religion, which violates the establishment clause.
Post by Sugapablo
Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes and get
their 15 minutes on FOX News?
and you think they can't be both why?
Quibbler (quibbler247atyahoo.com)
"It is fashionable to wax apocalyptic about the
threat to humanity posed by the AIDS virus, 'mad cow'
disease, and many others, but I think a case can be
made that faith is one of the world's great evils,
comparable to the smallpox virus but harder to
eradicate." -- Richard Dawkins
2006-04-08 04:24:23 UTC
Post by Sugapablo
According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Holy Week isn't just for church any
more: at Derry Area High School in Westmoreland County, students in an
after-school Bible club are marking 'Jesus Week' starting Monday with schoolwide
activities and giveaways.
"Club members hand out bookmarks, T-shirts, and 'what would Jesus do' bracelets,
Think those bracelets could be used as cock rings?

My last vestige of "hands off religion" respect disappeared in the smoke and
choking dust of September 11th 2001, followed by the "National Day of
Prayer," when prelates and pastors did their tremulous Martin Luther King
impersonations and urged people of mutually incompatible faiths to hold
hands, united in homage to the very force that caused the problem in the
first place.
-- Richard Dawkins, The Devil's Chaplain (2004)
Adolphe Menjou
2006-04-08 14:04:32 UTC
Post by Sugapablo
According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Holy Week isn't just for church any
more: at Derry Area High School in Westmoreland County, students in an
after-school Bible club are marking 'Jesus Week' starting Monday with schoolwide
activities and giveaways.
"Club members hand out bookmarks, T-shirts, and 'what would Jesus do' bracelets,
and raffle off Bibles and other Christian-themed gifts by drawing locker numbers
and announcing the winners over the school intercom during morning
announcements. Club members mark each day with a different Bible-based fashion
statement, such as robes on Tuesdays or red outfits to memorialize the blood of
Christ. Administrators say it's a voluntary club, and students can participate
or not, according to their preference."
Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes and get
their 15 minutes on FOX News?
Sugapablo: http://www.sugapablo.net
Permalink: http://www.sugapablo.net/story.php?id=364
RSS Feed: http://www.sugapablo.net/rss.php
I think the latter is the case. They may want to trigger a response to
generate even more coverage about christian persecutions.

2006-04-09 18:50:29 UTC
"Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes
and get
their 15 minutes on FOX News?"

Well, they might be, for exercising their right to freedom, but what
they want to do is perfectly permissible as an exercise of their first
amendment right. As for their 15 min. of fame they might get it if
those who oppose the constitution deny them their rights.
Adolphe Menjou
2006-04-09 19:29:14 UTC
Post by p***@hotmail.com
"Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes
and get
their 15 minutes on FOX News?"
Well, they might be, for exercising their right to freedom, but what
they want to do is perfectly permissible as an exercise of their first
amendment right. As for their 15 min. of fame they might get it if
those who oppose the constitution deny them their rights.
Yes, but does this activity qualify as "free exercise thereof" as in

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Joe S.
2006-04-09 21:42:47 UTC
Post by p***@hotmail.com
"Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes
and get
their 15 minutes on FOX News?"
Well, they might be, for exercising their right to freedom, but what
they want to do is perfectly permissible as an exercise of their first
amendment right. As for their 15 min. of fame they might get it if
those who oppose the constitution deny them their rights.
So you will have no problem with the following exercise of free speech
rights at the same school:

-- Hispanic students stage a demonstration complete with Mexican flags and
speeches in support of Bush's guest worker plan.

-- Atheist students hold a "Jesus is a Myth" Week.

Thank you for supporting free speech.
Borked Pseudo Mailed
2006-04-10 16:00:08 UTC
Post by Joe S.
Post by p***@hotmail.com
"Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes
and get
their 15 minutes on FOX News?"
Well, they might be, for exercising their right to freedom, but what
they want to do is perfectly permissible as an exercise of their first
amendment right. As for their 15 min. of fame they might get it if those
who oppose the constitution deny them their rights.
So you will have no problem with the following exercise of free speech
-- Hispanic students stage a demonstration complete with Mexican flags and
speeches in support of Bush's guest worker plan.
-- Atheist students hold a "Jesus is a Myth" Week.
Sounds like a GREAT idea to me. In fact, if I were a student there I'd be
actively organizing all three celebrations of diversity. Just BECAUSE
that's what free speech is all about.
Post by Joe S.
Thank you for supporting free speech.
Not a problem.....
2006-04-12 03:23:34 UTC
So you will have no problem with the following exercise of free speech
rights at the same school:

-- Hispanic students stage a demonstration complete with Mexican flags
speeches in support of Bush's guest worker plan.

Why not?

-- Atheist students hold a "Jesus is a Myth" Week.

It's their right.....right?

Thank you for supporting free speech.

You are welcome
2006-04-12 03:23:37 UTC
So you will have no problem with the following exercise of free speech
rights at the same school:

-- Hispanic students stage a demonstration complete with Mexican flags
speeches in support of Bush's guest worker plan.

Why not?

-- Atheist students hold a "Jesus is a Myth" Week.

It's their right.....right?

Thank you for supporting free speech.

You are welcome
2006-04-12 18:37:13 UTC
They are only happy when it's their speech that is free.

Facism has nuttin on them.

Post by Joe S.
So you will have no problem with the following exercise of free speech
-- Hispanic students stage a demonstration complete with Mexican flags and
speeches in support of Bush's guest worker plan.
Why not?
-- Atheist students hold a "Jesus is a Myth" Week.
It's their right.....right?
Thank you for supporting free speech.
You are welcome
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2006-04-09 20:38:25 UTC
Post by Sugapablo
According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Holy Week isn't just for church any
more: at Derry Area High School in Westmoreland County, students in an
after-school Bible club are marking 'Jesus Week' starting Monday with schoolwide
activities and giveaways.
"Club members hand out bookmarks, T-shirts, and 'what would Jesus do' bracelets,
and raffle off Bibles and other Christian-themed gifts by drawing locker numbers
and announcing the winners over the school intercom during morning
announcements. Club members mark each day with a different Bible-based fashion
statement, such as robes on Tuesdays or red outfits to memorialize the blood of
Christ. Administrators say it's a voluntary club, and students can participate
or not, according to their preference."
Are they...freakin'...INSANE?
Post by Sugapablo
Or are they just trying to be ass holes and get
their 15 minutes on FOX News?
No. It seems they know that HE is coming very soon.

"Prepare the way for the LORD, make straight paths for HIM." (Matthew
3:3 and Isaiah 40:3)

"Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the
rough ground shall become level, and the rugged places a plain."
(Isaiah 40:4)

Dear Friend,

Through many days of continued prayer seeking the LORD's guidance on
how to effectively call out as one of HIS lowly watchmen regarding the
catastrophic event (Revelation 6:14) that may possibly happen very
soon, the above verses which are from both the OT and the NT came to

This electronic message will be a feeble solitary voice calling out
into the desert that is the Internet ever hopeful that it will be heard
by all so that "the glory of the LORD will be revealed." (Isaiah 40:5)
Please help by conveying this message to everyone you know. It will be
my fervent prayer, in Jesus' most precious and holy name, that all who
understand the essence of this message will be protected from all harm
in this time that may possibly be leading to "the great tribulation"
referenced in the 14th verse of Revelation 7. Please join me in our
collectively praying for GOD's protection, HIS continued mercy and HIS
infinite grace for all those who are blessed by an understanding of
this message.

At 10:33 PM (Tokyo time) on 03/28/06, there was a strong and deep
magnitude 6 earthquake that impacted Tokyo:


Then on 03/29/06, an unusual total solar eclipse happened in Turkey at
2:00 PM (LT) that darkened the skies of the ancient cities where the 7
Churches of Christ reside in the same order as given **twice** in
Revelation (1:11 and then chapters 2 through 3). A parallel solar
eclipse apparently happened on this same day (March 29th) in 70AD,
which is the year that Jerusalem was destroyed. This total solar
eclipse could very well be the same eclipse that was seen by John in
the prophetic vision given to him by LORD Jesus Christ as described in
the 12th verse of Revelation 6. A "great earthquake" did precede the
solar eclipse visualized by John as described in Revelation 6:12. And
now we face a possible nuclear showdown with Iran that may result in
the fulfillment of the rest of the elements seen by John for the
opening of the 6th seal (Revelation 6:12-17):





It is possible that Tehran is the physical representation on this globe
of the spirit of Babylon, which is "the great city that rules over the
kings of the earth." (Revelation 17:18)


Indeed, using the letters from "Babylon the Great" (Revelation 17:5),
one can form the phrase "At Tehran by Globe."

For more details including a link that has descriptions of recent
observed events that may possibly represent the elements in Revelation
6 that precede the catastrophic event heralded by the 14th verse,
please visit the following online article:


You are invited to sign up for being notified about the next on-line
HeartMDPhD.com chat to ask questions and confirm the authenticity of
this message and its author:


In the continued interest of making this message "on-topic" for the
USENET newsgroups ACC, SMC, AA, and RFC that are its initial
recipients, would be glad to also chat about LORD Jesus Christ,
cardiology, atheism, and/or cooking food.

Prayerfully in Christ's amazing love,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist and Foundation Advisor
2006-04-09 20:47:36 UTC
Post by Sugapablo
According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Holy Week isn't just for church any
more: at Derry Area High School in Westmoreland County, students in an
after-school Bible club are marking 'Jesus Week' starting Monday with schoolwide
activities and giveaways.
"Club members hand out bookmarks, T-shirts, and 'what would Jesus do' bracelets,
and raffle off Bibles and other Christian-themed gifts by drawing locker numbers
and announcing the winners over the school intercom during morning
announcements. Club members mark each day with a different Bible-based fashion
statement, such as robes on Tuesdays or red outfits to memorialize the blood of
Christ. Administrators say it's a voluntary club, and students can participate
or not, according to their preference."
Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes and get
their 15 minutes on FOX News?
Not insane... just following in the name of Jesus Christ the only one to
have walked here on this earth without sin.

Keep in mind what those kids are doing are well within the laws of this
nation --- even if the intolerant of this earth don't like it. I salute the
Derry Area High School students as they could be wasting their time using
drugs and wearing their pants down their butts talking trash on some street

God bless those kids.... for they will be the true world changers of our
future. Awesome!

Adolphe Menjou
2006-04-10 03:00:43 UTC
Post by Luv2golf
Post by Sugapablo
According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Holy Week isn't just for church any
more: at Derry Area High School in Westmoreland County, students in an
after-school Bible club are marking 'Jesus Week' starting Monday with schoolwide
activities and giveaways.
"Club members hand out bookmarks, T-shirts, and 'what would Jesus do' bracelets,
and raffle off Bibles and other Christian-themed gifts by drawing locker numbers
and announcing the winners over the school intercom during morning
announcements. Club members mark each day with a different Bible-based fashion
statement, such as robes on Tuesdays or red outfits to memorialize the blood of
Christ. Administrators say it's a voluntary club, and students can participate
or not, according to their preference."
Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes and get
their 15 minutes on FOX News?
Not insane... just following in the name of Jesus Christ the only one to
have walked here on this earth without sin.
Keep in mind what those kids are doing are well within the laws of this
nation --- even if the intolerant of this earth don't like it. I salute the
Derry Area High School students as they could be wasting their time using
drugs and wearing their pants down their butts talking trash on some street
God bless those kids.... for they will be the true world changers of our
future. Awesome!
"the intolerant of this earth" are mostly self-righteous religious

2006-04-11 02:44:10 UTC
Post by Adolphe Menjou
Post by Luv2golf
Post by Sugapablo
According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Holy Week isn't just for
more: at Derry Area High School in Westmoreland County, students in an
after-school Bible club are marking 'Jesus Week' starting Monday with schoolwide
activities and giveaways.
"Club members hand out bookmarks, T-shirts, and 'what would Jesus do' bracelets,
and raffle off Bibles and other Christian-themed gifts by drawing
and announcing the winners over the school intercom during morning
announcements. Club members mark each day with a different Bible-based fashion
statement, such as robes on Tuesdays or red outfits to memorialize the blood of
Christ. Administrators say it's a voluntary club, and students can participate
or not, according to their preference."
Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes
their 15 minutes on FOX News?
Not insane... just following in the name of Jesus Christ the only one to
have walked here on this earth without sin.
Keep in mind what those kids are doing are well within the laws of this
nation --- even if the intolerant of this earth don't like it. I salute the
Derry Area High School students as they could be wasting their time using
drugs and wearing their pants down their butts talking trash on some street
God bless those kids.... for they will be the true world changers of our
future. Awesome!
"the intolerant of this earth" are mostly self-righteous religious
Nope. Sorry wrong.

Once again that it's the liberal left who are the most intolerant. You
prove it with your own words. The fact that a school allows a group of
Christian boys and girls a place to meet in an after school volunteer
program is not intolerant, biased or even against the rules set forth in our
constitution. BUT. The fact that they get attacked by the ilk of you shows
me your total intolerance, bordering on fascism.

Adolphe Menjou
2006-04-11 11:48:22 UTC
Post by Luv2golf
Post by Adolphe Menjou
Post by Luv2golf
Post by Sugapablo
According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Holy Week isn't just for
more: at Derry Area High School in Westmoreland County, students in an
after-school Bible club are marking 'Jesus Week' starting Monday with schoolwide
activities and giveaways.
"Club members hand out bookmarks, T-shirts, and 'what would Jesus do' bracelets,
and raffle off Bibles and other Christian-themed gifts by drawing
and announcing the winners over the school intercom during morning
announcements. Club members mark each day with a different Bible-based fashion
statement, such as robes on Tuesdays or red outfits to memorialize the blood of
Christ. Administrators say it's a voluntary club, and students can participate
or not, according to their preference."
Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes
their 15 minutes on FOX News?
Not insane... just following in the name of Jesus Christ the only one to
have walked here on this earth without sin.
Keep in mind what those kids are doing are well within the laws of this
nation --- even if the intolerant of this earth don't like it. I salute the
Derry Area High School students as they could be wasting their time using
drugs and wearing their pants down their butts talking trash on some street
God bless those kids.... for they will be the true world changers of our
future. Awesome!
"the intolerant of this earth" are mostly self-righteous religious
Nope. Sorry wrong.
Once again that it's the liberal left who are the most intolerant. You
prove it with your own words. The fact that a school allows a group of
Christian boys and girls a place to meet in an after school volunteer
program is not intolerant, biased or even against the rules set forth in our
constitution. BUT. The fact that they get attacked by the ilk of you shows
me your total intolerance, bordering on fascism.
You saying it don't make it so.

You living in the The Bizarro World makes it hard to communicate.


2006-04-11 13:32:32 UTC
Post by Adolphe Menjou
Post by Luv2golf
Post by Adolphe Menjou
Post by Luv2golf
Post by Sugapablo
According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Holy Week isn't just for
more: at Derry Area High School in Westmoreland County, students in an
after-school Bible club are marking 'Jesus Week' starting Monday
activities and giveaways.
"Club members hand out bookmarks, T-shirts, and 'what would Jesus
and raffle off Bibles and other Christian-themed gifts by drawing
and announcing the winners over the school intercom during morning
announcements. Club members mark each day with a different
statement, such as robes on Tuesdays or red outfits to memorialize
blood of
Christ. Administrators say it's a voluntary club, and students can participate
or not, according to their preference."
Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes
their 15 minutes on FOX News?
Not insane... just following in the name of Jesus Christ the only one to
have walked here on this earth without sin.
Keep in mind what those kids are doing are well within the laws of this
nation --- even if the intolerant of this earth don't like it. I
Derry Area High School students as they could be wasting their time using
drugs and wearing their pants down their butts talking trash on some street
God bless those kids.... for they will be the true world changers of our
future. Awesome!
"the intolerant of this earth" are mostly self-righteous religious
Nope. Sorry wrong.
Once again that it's the liberal left who are the most intolerant. You
prove it with your own words. The fact that a school allows a group of
Christian boys and girls a place to meet in an after school volunteer
program is not intolerant, biased or even against the rules set forth in our
constitution. BUT. The fact that they get attacked by the ilk of you shows
me your total intolerance, bordering on fascism.
You saying it don't make it so.
Making a good argument like he did sure makes me think so.

It's a bizzaro world for sure. Those that claim to be the most tolerant so
often show themselves for the intolerant bigots they indeed are.

Adolphe Menjou
2006-04-12 01:09:17 UTC
Post by Paul
Post by Adolphe Menjou
Post by Luv2golf
Post by Adolphe Menjou
Post by Luv2golf
Post by Sugapablo
According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Holy Week isn't just for
more: at Derry Area High School in Westmoreland County, students in an
after-school Bible club are marking 'Jesus Week' starting Monday
activities and giveaways.
"Club members hand out bookmarks, T-shirts, and 'what would Jesus
and raffle off Bibles and other Christian-themed gifts by drawing
and announcing the winners over the school intercom during morning
announcements. Club members mark each day with a different
statement, such as robes on Tuesdays or red outfits to memorialize
blood of
Christ. Administrators say it's a voluntary club, and students can
or not, according to their preference."
Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes
their 15 minutes on FOX News?
Not insane... just following in the name of Jesus Christ the only one to
have walked here on this earth without sin.
Keep in mind what those kids are doing are well within the laws of this
nation --- even if the intolerant of this earth don't like it. I
Derry Area High School students as they could be wasting their time using
drugs and wearing their pants down their butts talking trash on some street
God bless those kids.... for they will be the true world changers of our
future. Awesome!
"the intolerant of this earth" are mostly self-righteous religious
Nope. Sorry wrong.
Once again that it's the liberal left who are the most intolerant. You
prove it with your own words. The fact that a school allows a group of
Christian boys and girls a place to meet in an after school volunteer
program is not intolerant, biased or even against the rules set forth in our
constitution. BUT. The fact that they get attacked by the ilk of you shows
me your total intolerance, bordering on fascism.
You saying it don't make it so.
Making a good argument like he did sure makes me think so.
It's a bizzaro world for sure. Those that claim to be the most tolerant so
often show themselves for the intolerant bigots they indeed are.
Chuck is of a mind that all the evil in the world is the product of left
wing liberal thinking.

Attempts have been made in the past to enlighten him, without success.

Fascism, theocracy, monarchy and rule of the moneyed elite are the
results of un-moderated conservatism (the right wing)

Communism, socialism the rule of the workers are the result of
un-moderated liberalism (the left wing)

Look it up Chuck.

2006-04-13 14:20:23 UTC
Post by Adolphe Menjou
Chuck is of a mind that all the evil in the world is the product of left
wing liberal thinking.
The way I see it is he is against intolerants bigots that are nothing but
hypocrites and the liberal left just happens to occupy a large majority of
that demographic.

Nothing new actually.

Jean Smith
2006-04-13 15:04:51 UTC
Post by Paul
Post by Adolphe Menjou
Chuck is of a mind that all the evil in the world is the product of left
wing liberal thinking.
The way I see it is he is against intolerants bigots that are nothing but
hypocrites and the liberal left just happens to occupy a large majority of
that demographic.
Nothing new actually.
A little inspiration: The story of an undocumented immigrant Juana
Hernadez of Collinsville High School. She arrived in seventh grade
without English but by graduation she was at the top and qualified for
a scholarship except for her lack of documents. In a story that
demonstrates how that area of Alabama thinks, money was found from
other sources to fund her scholarship and the state law was changed
the following session. There are illegals and then there are "their"
illegals down there.

Of course, there are more things to discuss about Collinsville, AL and
Sand Mountain.The immigrants are the reason that this Appalachian
community cites for its growth. The community works hard to work
things out for them. This is an area where the Klan used to set up
collection points at intersections. Guys in white robes with the
pointed hoods would surround you at stop signs and shove a bag at you.
Things change.
Media Ownershp Database http://www.publicintegrity.org/telecom/
Adolphe Menjou
2006-04-14 16:35:53 UTC
Post by Paul
Post by Adolphe Menjou
Chuck is of a mind that all the evil in the world is the product of left
wing liberal thinking.
The way I see it is he is against intolerants bigots that are nothing but
hypocrites and the liberal left just happens to occupy a large majority of
that demographic.
Nothing new actually.
The intolerant bigots that threaten me are all on the so called
conservative side of life.


Jon Milliren
2006-04-13 17:08:16 UTC
Post by Luv2golf
Nope. Sorry wrong.
Once again that it's the liberal left who are the most intolerant. You
prove it with your own words. The fact that a school allows a group of
Christian boys and girls a place to meet in an after school volunteer
program is not intolerant, biased or even against the rules set forth in our
constitution. BUT. The fact that they get attacked by the ilk of you shows
me your total intolerance, bordering on fascism.
I wanted to respond to this when you posted, but time did not permit. I
agree with your position, so long as it is indeed after school. If,
however, these kids are walking around in robes, passing out bracelets,
or giving away Bibles during regular class hours, then it is not
appropriate, just as when the communist youth brigade passed out thier
pamphlets during school hours when I was in high school.

And, since I've seen this topic verge into the immigration topic, I'd
like to offer my $0.02. The republicans need to get thier balls back,
and not reward 7 million ~illegal~ immigrants for breaking the law. I
have no problem with immigrants, my problem is ~illegal~ immigrants. The
ones that are supposed to end up as "Guest Workers" will not get any
health benefits, nor be paid a wage that will allow them to get medical
care. As a result, they will continue to clog our emergency rooms, and
raise health care costs for law abiding US citizens.

2006-04-13 18:01:39 UTC
Post by Jon Milliren
I wanted to respond to this when you posted, but time did not permit. I
agree with your position, so long as it is indeed after school. If,
however, these kids are walking around in robes, passing out bracelets, or
giving away Bibles during regular class hours, then it is not appropriate,
just as when the communist youth brigade passed out thier pamphlets during
school hours when I was in high school.
I do not think the program was done during school hours. Even the
intolerant original poster said as much.
Post by Jon Milliren
Post by Sugapablo
According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Holy Week isn't just for church any
more: at Derry Area High School in Westmoreland County, students in an
after-school Bible club are marking 'Jesus Week' starting Monday with schoolwide
activities and giveaways.
Adolphe Menjou
2006-04-14 16:42:42 UTC
Post by Jon Milliren
Post by Luv2golf
Nope. Sorry wrong.
Once again that it's the liberal left who are the most intolerant. You
prove it with your own words. The fact that a school allows a group of
Christian boys and girls a place to meet in an after school volunteer
program is not intolerant, biased or even against the rules set forth in our
constitution. BUT. The fact that they get attacked by the ilk of you shows
me your total intolerance, bordering on fascism.
I wanted to respond to this when you posted, but time did not permit. I
agree with your position, so long as it is indeed after school. If,
however, these kids are walking around in robes, passing out bracelets,
or giving away Bibles during regular class hours, then it is not
appropriate, just as when the communist youth brigade passed out thier
pamphlets during school hours when I was in high school.
And, since I've seen this topic verge into the immigration topic, I'd
like to offer my $0.02. The republicans need to get thier balls back,
and not reward 7 million ~illegal~ immigrants for breaking the law. I
have no problem with immigrants, my problem is ~illegal~ immigrants. The
ones that are supposed to end up as "Guest Workers" will not get any
health benefits, nor be paid a wage that will allow them to get medical
care. As a result, they will continue to clog our emergency rooms, and
raise health care costs for law abiding US citizens.
If the american working class will not accept poor working conditions,
low pay and no medical benefits, they can just emmigrate to France.

Al Klein
2006-11-13 03:58:11 UTC
On Friday, 7 Apr 06 15:39:45 -0500, "Sugapablo"
Post by Sugapablo
Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes and get
their 15 minutes on FOX News?
False dichotomy. Try"

C) All of the above.

As soon as they use the school PA system they go one step too far.
rukbat at optonline dot net
The most curious social convention of the great age in which we live is the
one to the effect that religious opinions should be respected.
-- H. L. Mencken
(random sig, produced by SigChanger)
Christopher A.Lee
2007-10-12 20:55:54 UTC
On Friday, 7 Apr 06 15:39:45 -0500, "Sugapablo"
Post by Sugapablo
According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Holy Week isn't just for church any
more: at Derry Area High School in Westmoreland County, students in an
after-school Bible club are marking 'Jesus Week' starting Monday with schoolwide
activities and giveaways.
"Club members hand out bookmarks, T-shirts, and 'what would Jesus do' bracelets,
and raffle off Bibles and other Christian-themed gifts by drawing locker numbers
and announcing the winners over the school intercom during morning
announcements. Club members mark each day with a different Bible-based fashion
statement, such as robes on Tuesdays or red outfits to memorialize the blood of
Christ. Administrators say it's a voluntary club, and students can participate
or not, according to their preference."
Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes and get
their 15 minutes on FOX News?
Christopher A. Lee
2008-07-11 16:13:24 UTC
On Friday, 7 Apr 06 15:39:45 -0500, "Sugapablo"
Post by Sugapablo
According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Holy Week isn't just for church any
more: at Derry Area High School in Westmoreland County, students in an
after-school Bible club are marking 'Jesus Week' starting Monday with schoolwide
activities and giveaways.
"Club members hand out bookmarks, T-shirts, and 'what would Jesus do' bracelets,
and raffle off Bibles and other Christian-themed gifts by drawing locker numbers
and announcing the winners over the school intercom during morning
announcements. Club members mark each day with a different Bible-based fashion
statement, such as robes on Tuesdays or red outfits to memorialize the blood of
Christ. Administrators say it's a voluntary club, and students can participate
or not, according to their preference."
Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes and get
their 15 minutes on FOX News?
Leo Marx
2008-07-14 15:02:10 UTC
Post by Al Klein
On Friday, 7 Apr 06 15:39:45 -0500, "Sugapablo"
Post by Sugapablo
According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Holy Week isn't just for church any
more: at Derry Area High School in Westmoreland County, students in an
after-school Bible club are marking 'Jesus Week' starting Monday with schoolwide
activities and giveaways.
"Club members hand out bookmarks, T-shirts, and 'what would Jesus do' bracelets,
and raffle off Bibles and other Christian-themed gifts by drawing locker numbers
and announcing the winners over the school intercom during morning
announcements. Club members mark each day with a different Bible-based fashion
statement, such as robes on Tuesdays or red outfits to memorialize the blood of
Christ. Administrators say it's a voluntary club, and students can participate
or not, according to their preference."
Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes and get
their 15 minutes on FOX News?
Jesus Week for jesus freaks. When will these childish, ignorant fools

Religion is the problem not the answer.

Christopher A. Lee
2012-03-16 15:29:18 UTC
On Friday, 7 Apr 06 15:39:45 -0500, "Sugapablo"
Post by Sugapablo
According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Holy Week isn't just for church any
more: at Derry Area High School in Westmoreland County, students in an
after-school Bible club are marking 'Jesus Week' starting Monday with schoolwide
activities and giveaways.
"Club members hand out bookmarks, T-shirts, and 'what would Jesus do' bracelets,
and raffle off Bibles and other Christian-themed gifts by drawing locker numbers
and announcing the winners over the school intercom during morning
announcements. Club members mark each day with a different Bible-based fashion
statement, such as robes on Tuesdays or red outfits to memorialize the blood of
Christ. Administrators say it's a voluntary club, and students can participate
or not, according to their preference."
Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes and get
their 15 minutes on FOX News?
Christopher A. Lee
2019-05-02 16:53:56 UTC
On Friday, 7 Apr 06 15:39:45 -0500, "Sugapablo"
Post by Sugapablo
According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Holy Week isn't just for church any
more: at Derry Area High School in Westmoreland County, students in an
after-school Bible club are marking 'Jesus Week' starting Monday with schoolwide
activities and giveaways.
"Club members hand out bookmarks, T-shirts, and 'what would Jesus do' bracelets,
and raffle off Bibles and other Christian-themed gifts by drawing locker numbers
and announcing the winners over the school intercom during morning
announcements. Club members mark each day with a different Bible-based fashion
statement, such as robes on Tuesdays or red outfits to memorialize the blood of
Christ. Administrators say it's a voluntary club, and students can participate
or not, according to their preference."
Are they...freakin'...INSANE? Or are they just trying to be ass holes and get
their 15 minutes on FOX News?

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